Reject data based on a simple absolute amplitude threshold. This marks any timepoint from any electrode.
ar_thresh(data, threshold, reject = FALSE)
# S3 method for class 'eeg_data'
ar_thresh(data, threshold, reject = FALSE)
# S3 method for class 'eeg_epochs'
ar_thresh(data, threshold, reject = FALSE)
An object of class eeg_data
or eeg_epochs
: Reject data using a simple threshold.
: Reject data using a simple threshold.
ar_thresh(demo_epochs, c(100))
#> 0 (0%) samples above 100 uV threshold.
#> 0 (0%) samples below -100 uV threshold.
#> No epochs contain samples above threshold.
#> Epoched EEG data
#> Number of channels : 11
#> Number of epochs : 80
#> Epoch limits : -0.197 - 0.451 seconds
#> Electrode names : A5 A13 A21 A29 A31 B5 B6 B8 B16 B18 B26
#> Sampling rate : 128 Hz
#> Reference : average