Joins standard electrode locations to EEG data from eegUtils internal data.

electrode_locations(data, ...)

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  electrode = "electrode",
  drop = FALSE,
  montage = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,

# S3 method for class 'eeg_data'
electrode_locations(data, drop = FALSE, montage = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'eeg_epochs'
electrode_locations(data, drop = FALSE, montage = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'eeg_tfr'
electrode_locations(data, drop = FALSE, montage = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, ...)



An EEG dataset.


Passed to S3 methods.


The column name containing electrode names in data. (Defaults to "electrode").


Should electrodes in data for which default locations are not available be removed? (Defaults to FALSE).


Name of an existing montage set. Defaults to NULL.


Overwrite existing channel info. Defaults to FALSE.


A tibble (or data.frame), or ggplot2 object if plot = TRUE.


The standard locations are from the 10-05 system derived by Oostenveld & Praamstra (2001). In addition, there are multiple specific montages for BioSemi systems included. These can be added using the montage parameter: "biosemi16", "biosemi32", biosemi64", "biosemi64alpha", "biosemi128", "biosemi160", "biosemi256"

Methods (by class)

  • electrode_locations(data.frame): Adds standard locations to a data frame in long format

  • electrode_locations(eeg_data): Adds standard locations to the chan_info field of an eeg_data object.

  • electrode_locations(eeg_epochs): Adds standard locations to the chan_info field of an eeg_data object.

  • electrode_locations(eeg_tfr): Adds standard locations to the chan_info field of an eeg_tfr object.


Oostenveld, R. & Praamstra, P. (2001). The five percent electrode system for high-resolution EEG and ERP measurements. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112, 4, 713-719


#> # A tibble: 11 × 9
#>    electrode radius theta   phi cart_x cart_y cart_z     x     y
#>    <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 A5             1   -60   -51  -46.3   57.2  42.5  -37.8  46.6
#>  2 A13            1   -46     0  -61.1    0    59.0  -46     0  
#>  3 A21            1   -60    51  -46.3  -57.2  42.5  -37.8 -46.6
#>  4 A29            1    92   -90    0    -85.0  -2.97   0   -92  
#>  5 A31            1    46   -90    0    -61.1  59.0    0   -46  
#>  6 B5             1    69    90    0     79.4  30.5    0    69  
#>  7 B6             1    46    90    0     61.1  59.0    0    46  
#>  8 B8             1    60    51   46.3   57.2  42.5   37.8  46.6
#>  9 B16            1     0     0    0      0    85      0     0  
#> 10 B18            1    46     0   61.1    0    59.0   46     0  
#> 11 B26            1    60   -51   46.3  -57.2  42.5   37.8 -46.6
electrode_locations(demo_epochs, overwrite = TRUE, montage = "biosemi64alpha")
#> Epoched EEG data
#> Number of channels	: 11 
#> Number of epochs	: 80 
#> Epoch limits		: -0.197 - 0.451 seconds
#> Electrode names		: A5 A13 A21 A29 A31 B5 B6 B8 B16 B18 B26 
#> Sampling rate		: 128  Hz
#> Reference		: average