Generic function for selecting specific time ranges from a given dataset. Input can be a dataframe, or an object of class eeg_data, eeg_epochs, or eeg_evoked. Note this finds the closest times to those specified, so the time range returned may be slightly longer or shorter than that requested.

select_times(data, ...)

# S3 method for default
select_times(data, time_lim = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for eeg_data
select_times(data, time_lim = NULL, df_out = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for eeg_epochs
select_times(data, time_lim, df_out = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for eeg_evoked
select_times(data, time_lim, df_out = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for eeg_tfr
select_times(data, time_lim = NULL, df_out = FALSE, ...)



Data from which to select


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


A character vector of two numbers indicating the time range to be selected e.g. c(min, max)


Returns a data frame rather than an object of the same type that was passed in.


Data frame with only data from within the specified range.

eeg_data object

Methods (by class)

  • default: Default select times function

  • eeg_data: Select times from an eeg_data object

  • eeg_epochs: Select times in eeg_epochs objects

  • eeg_evoked: Select times in eeg_evoked objects

  • eeg_tfr: Select times from an eeg_tfr object

See also

select_elecs() and select_epochs()

Other Data selection functions: select_elecs()


Matt Craddock,


## Select timepoints from -.1 to .3 demo_epochs
#> Epoched EEG data #> #> Number of channels : 11 #> Number of epochs : 80 #> Epoch limits : -0.197 - 0.451 seconds #> Electrode names : A5 A13 A21 A29 A31 B5 B6 B8 B16 B18 B26 #> Sampling rate : 128 Hz #> Reference : average
short_epochs <- select_times(demo_epochs, time_lim = c(-.1, .3)) short_epochs
#> Epoched EEG data #> #> Number of channels : 11 #> Number of epochs : 80 #> Epoch limits : -0.096 - 0.295 seconds #> Electrode names : A5 A13 A21 A29 A31 B5 B6 B8 B16 B18 B26 #> Sampling rate : 128 Hz #> Reference : average